We offer a pre-order service for all shoes that are not in stock. This means that you can order the exact shoes you're looking for, even if they're not currently available in our inventory. When you place a pre-order, we will search for and order the shoes from our trusted Europe-wide supplier network – just for you! There are no hidden costs in shipping, so you can shop with peace of mind.
The estimated delivery time for pre-orders is typically 5-15 business days. Sizes available for pre-order will be listed on the product page under "Normal Delivery." If the shoes you're looking for are not available in our online store, you can contact us via email or Instagram, and we’ll help you find the shoes you're looking for!
- Pre-orders cannot be canceled once we have found the shoes you've requested.
- A 10% return fee applies to pre-order returns.
- However, you can choose to receive the refund as store credit, which you can use in our online store. In this case, the 10% return fee will not be charged.